
Sunday, November 16, 2008

National Gair Tzeddek Convention 

Sent in by JoeFlix

The most insulting part of the post is that it says "Anusim, Yemenites and Ba'alei Teshuvah also welcomed", as if these groups (and Ger Tzedekk) are somehow "equally flawed". In particular, the Yemenites, who historically have more Lomdus and kedusha in their fingernail than most Ashkenazi Yeshiva Bochrim have in their entire bodies are somehow deemed "not quite Jewish". Ridiculous.


Okay, Guys, what is wrong with this?


is this a roundup for gers why are they not jewish as well


>In particular, the Yemenites, who historically have more Lomdus and kedusha in their fingernail than most Ashkenazi

Please list us anyone of fame and stature (besides the rashash) that came from yemem. Can't think of anyone? Did you ever hear of Ezra's klalah they they will not produce talmidie chachamim


anonymous 1:28 (first comment): The "lomdus and kedusha" in your "fingernail" is radiating throughout your post. Thank you for enlightening us.

By the way, what these groups have in common is NOT!!! that any of them are flawed. NONE of them are flawed. What they have in common is that they ALL tend to suffer at the hands and mouths of FFB's. Probably they want a convention so they can be around people who will not mistreat them. Loser.


I assume it's someone's idea of a joke. It's like a convention of apples, oranges and pears.


anon 9:17, as a baal teshuvah, I can understand the common thread in these four groups. We all feel like outsiders in the communities where we live, and it hurts. And we all face similar struggles. Getting our children accepted into mainstream schools being a big one.

I once met a Mexican ger tzeddek, dressed in peyos and all black. I can only imagine how hard life is for him, as most FFB's in my area think of Mexicans as househeld help. I am a white American baal teshuvah, but we clicked right away. I once asked him how he finds life in our super-frum community, and he said, "Baruch Hashem." I told him I'm a baal teshuvah, and I asked if he finds it hard sometimes, being different, feeling like an outsider, having people say unkind things. He said, "Yes, very hard - Baruch Hashem," and we both smiled. We didn't dwell too long on the topic, but we understood each other.


Anonymous : November 16, 2008 11:24 PM:

You say people in your community say "unkind things" to both geirim as well as baalei teshuva.

I suggest to you that not only is your community not "super frum," it's not "frum" at all if people don't know how to act "bain adom l'chaveiro."

What a disgrace!


why you seem so surprised- the rabbis do the same thing-in israel they banned sephardics from bais yackov can you imagine a sephardic ba'alei teshuvah- he wouldnt have a prayer getting his kids in school


To Anonymous : November 16, 2008 7:48 PM:

Ezra's Klallah, curse was that the Yemenite Jews wouldn't produce Manhigim, LEADERS, because they wouldn't accept his leadership in returning the Jews to Israel. NOWHERE DOES IT SAY THAT YEMENITE JEWS WOULDN'T BE TALMIDAI CHACHAMIM, TORAH SCHOLARS.

The tribe of Levi was also cursed, because they refused to return as well. Their curse was to lose Ma'ser Rishon. Only the Kohanim of Levi returned.


I would advise any ger to stay away from these people. They don't sign their name and don't say what their mission or goal is. Gerim are better off staying anonymous and not drawing attention to themselves; chalila, they should go to a convention and advertise their status? They have enough tzuris from losing their biological families and losing all their best friends from before they became gerim. They don't need more tzuris from these so-called "friends" who just want to exploit them. Look to what a depressing level we have sunk that we have to get our "entertainment" from exploiting these sincere, well-meaning converts.


"Stop taking these temimisdik, innocent neshamos and trying to make them into your suspicious, staring, untrusting and paranoid image."

Classic! LOL


This is a real joke..as a person who has been victimized by a so-called 'black ger' I can tell you that these people are othing but frauds and liars, and they want to reach out to each other for the support they will NEVER get..they may wear our clothes but certainly, they will nEVER be frum Torah Jews..and BTs, Yemenites, and whomever else should NOT be included in this category..they ARE sincere and deserve our respect.


anonymous 6:26, you said that geirim are "othing but frauds and liars" and "they may wear our clothes but certainly, they will nEVER be frum Torah Jews." I wish I had known this 9 years ago before I married my husband, who is a ger - to think that all these years I thought he was so frum and sincere! Now thanks to you I know he's a fraud. Thanks for enlightening me.

All sarcasm aside, you were victimized by ONE ger, and yet you take it out on ALL geirim. All sincere geirim who read your words are suffering now, being victimized by you, my husband included. Well, I've been victimized by many FFB's, but I still believe most are sincere and good. What's more, I don't even blame the ones who have been cruel - they are simply a product of their upbringing.

Thank you for proving yet again why geirim and BT's suffer so much in the frum world.


"Please list us anyone of fame and stature (besides the rashash) that came from yemem. Can't think of anyone? Did you ever hear of Ezra's klalah they they will not produce talmidie chachamim"

Rabbi Yitzchak Vannah, author of Paamon Zahav (a pirrush on the Yad Chjazaka of the Rambam), to name one. Just because you haven't heard of them doesn't mean they don't exist. get an education instead of making idiotic comments.


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