Saturday, December 20, 2008
Kosher women's clothing website a bit substandard claims to be the '# 1 Resource for Modest, Trendy Women’s Clothing Online', yet their front page alone shows some 'Kashrus standard problems'. Wonder who gives the Hechsher on their site.

My God! You are right! I just checked out the site, and it is full of totally non-tzius clothes. Short sleeve dresses, not even the kind which would look right with a long-sleeved blouse under it.
Certainly NOT KOSHER to my humble opinion.
Certainly NOT KOSHER to my humble opinion.
they should get a bano-meter on the website from the rabbis. especially the girls which are modeling, whats this shtuus.
Are you people nuts? The front page has silhouettes of tznius clothing, and short sleeved and sleeveless clothes are clearly meant to be worn with long sleeved blouses.
you people dont know what youre talking about its a sephardic syrian company where they go by different standards. for them its ok to wear short sleves. the girls look just fine. you people need to be more open minded and respect other views.
Clothing which needs to have other items added to make them kosher, are available all over, in all stores.
What is the purpose of a "Kosher Women's Clothing" store if it only sells the same clothing that you can buy in WalMart or JC Penney.
The fact that some communities, unfortunately are in the habit of dressing not up to the frum standards of dress, does not make it right.
I certainly am not saying the store has no right to exist. I am not saying "Ban it!" or anything like that. They have a right to sell whatever they wish to.
What I object to is that they call it "Kosher Women's Clothing"
Girls, especially baalei teshuva may go to this website and assume all they see there is okay. This is "Lifnei Eveir" for sure.
"Kosher" clothing should be dresses and suits which are made from the get go to be tzniusdik. This means normal, wrist-length sleeves and high necklines.
This means skirts and dresses with lengths to mid calf.... or at least close!
We all know what "Kosher" clothing is. It is the clothing that when a woman wears it, it is clearly obvious to all who see her that she is dressed in a frum, modest way. If one needs to take a ruler and measure, and calculate, then it was not modest. It should NOT look like "regular clothing." It should have that "Modest Look."
What is the purpose of a "Kosher Women's Clothing" store if it only sells the same clothing that you can buy in WalMart or JC Penney.
The fact that some communities, unfortunately are in the habit of dressing not up to the frum standards of dress, does not make it right.
I certainly am not saying the store has no right to exist. I am not saying "Ban it!" or anything like that. They have a right to sell whatever they wish to.
What I object to is that they call it "Kosher Women's Clothing"
Girls, especially baalei teshuva may go to this website and assume all they see there is okay. This is "Lifnei Eveir" for sure.
"Kosher" clothing should be dresses and suits which are made from the get go to be tzniusdik. This means normal, wrist-length sleeves and high necklines.
This means skirts and dresses with lengths to mid calf.... or at least close!
We all know what "Kosher" clothing is. It is the clothing that when a woman wears it, it is clearly obvious to all who see her that she is dressed in a frum, modest way. If one needs to take a ruler and measure, and calculate, then it was not modest. It should NOT look like "regular clothing." It should have that "Modest Look."
im not even sure how to respond to a ridiculous comment like obviously have no intelligence and cannot accept the fact that other sects might actually have different views than think that if its not done your way than its the wrong way...let me make a gigantic rationalization and say that your all bad bad drivers who need to retake mini van driving school and see how you like it..
Hello my name is Chaya-sarah,
I happen to have read most of the blogs about and the owner seems like a wonderful young lady!
The reason she started is because she had a hard time dressing modestly and it was hard for her to find modest clothing with style. Their clothes are modest. All the things they have that are short sleeve are meant to be worn with shells underneath!!! I'm sure if she would see this she would feel very bad that many of you think that their clothing is not modest because she started it to help more people dress modestly. As for the front page; I don't think anybody else is looking at this image with such scrutiny! It is simply a fun cartoon like image of women in a dress, which I personally can't see as any problem! Aside from the fact that this site is meant for womens eyes not men!
I'm on the site all the time and their skirts for the most part are all 25" long to 32". The site indicates that the models are 5"6 and 5"8 so people know the length of the skirts that they are buying and where they will fall. I say to all of u who are judging - shame on you! Hashem is our only judge. By the way, while your all so quick to judge about how unkosher their clothing is nobody even mentions how they give to sedaka $1from every order. Thank you,
I happen to have read most of the blogs about and the owner seems like a wonderful young lady!
The reason she started is because she had a hard time dressing modestly and it was hard for her to find modest clothing with style. Their clothes are modest. All the things they have that are short sleeve are meant to be worn with shells underneath!!! I'm sure if she would see this she would feel very bad that many of you think that their clothing is not modest because she started it to help more people dress modestly. As for the front page; I don't think anybody else is looking at this image with such scrutiny! It is simply a fun cartoon like image of women in a dress, which I personally can't see as any problem! Aside from the fact that this site is meant for womens eyes not men!
I'm on the site all the time and their skirts for the most part are all 25" long to 32". The site indicates that the models are 5"6 and 5"8 so people know the length of the skirts that they are buying and where they will fall. I say to all of u who are judging - shame on you! Hashem is our only judge. By the way, while your all so quick to judge about how unkosher their clothing is nobody even mentions how they give to sedaka $1from every order. Thank you,
well said, however, i guess youre not aware that the owner is modern orthodox and wears pants and tank tops.
Hi after reading this blog. i decided to check out kosherclothing and was actually impressed . i normally don't shop online but i decided to try. i bought wonderful skirts and sweaters for shabbos i couldn't believe the prices and how beautifully everything was wrapped and how fast i got my order 2 days after placing it ! to all that are judging why don't you give them a chance.and to the last comment you sound ridiculous! FYI... the items I bought are definitely 100% tznius by any standards.
I don't know this post was put up in the first place. I just checked out the website, and everything is just fine. Yes, you have to ut a shell on underneath here and there, but the clothing is everything you see in Boro Park and Flatbush, just a little cheaper.
I'm a frum bais yaakov girl, and though I wouldn't shop there because a) I don't like shopping online and b) the clothing is not my taste...I'd have no problem reccomending the site to an out-of-town friend who does not have such easy access to tznius clothing.
I'm a frum bais yaakov girl, and though I wouldn't shop there because a) I don't like shopping online and b) the clothing is not my taste...I'd have no problem reccomending the site to an out-of-town friend who does not have such easy access to tznius clothing.
While some of the clothes look tsniusdik, others look too tight or too short. One has to shop there with an awareness of what is really tsniusdik and not think all the clothes are Kosher, just because the website says so.
I have a very hard time finding tznius clothing. I cant begin to tell you how happy I am I found this website! I just Love everything. As for the people thinking this website in un tzniusdic I think you are crazy, and should take another look :O)
kosher clothing is really impressive, i dont see any problems with their merchandise. i wish them the best of luck
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