
Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Heimishe eggs available in Williamsburg 




I'll take two, scrambled with onions, with hash browns and coffee, please.

Actually, I wish her, and anybody who needs an egg donor, all the best of Hashem's help, in achieving their hearts desire.)


Please replay!!!?
That is funny!


The spelling is definitely heimish !


Ordinarily I don't like to jump into these discussions with religious overtones, but wasn't there a psak that a Jew should not donate eggs or sperm to another Jew because of the issue of mamzerim?

I am sure the gedolim on this blog will have the answer.


Are the eggs large or jumbo? Also, how do I replay?


I believe the inyan of mamzeirus would only apply with artificial insemination of a married woman with the sperm of another man.

Manzeirus is from Aisher Ish. Here it does not apply. Also, she may be unmarried, making that problem nul anyway. But the reverse, a married man with a single woman does not create a manzer.


I'm shocked. It's not halachically permissible to donate eggs. And if she wanted to do it, she can just go straight to an IVF center and doesnt need to advertise in craigslist for that. something is weird with it. Why would she write 'heimish'? A 'heimishe' woman doesnt do donor egg, and a 'non heimishe' person doesnt know what it means.


If you are a young woman who has had a hysterectomy, but kept your ovaries, why not donate eggs? What halacha stops you?


In non jewish publications, it's common to see classifieds ads such as this one. The poor girl may be desperate for some cash and can make some money on this one.


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