
Friday, January 16, 2009

Lipa - he's my singer 

Only one short year ago a bunch of zealots successfully fooled over thirty Rabbanim into condemning Lipa Schmeltzer and causing him great heartache and monetary loss. Now it is a year later and Lipa is bigger than ever. Some Rabbanim did come clean and admit that they were duped. However, none of them signed Kol Korehs condemning the zealots that perpetrated one of the biggest Chillul HaShems today, nor did they ever publicly acknowledge their mistake or apologize to the parties damaged by the fiasco.

There were however some people in the Yeshivishe Velt that did not get caught up in the hype and did use their common sense even when faced with a wave of opposition.
Below is a quote that a Mashgiach from an established Yeshivah answered when one of his talmidim questioned him about Lipa Schmeltzer, the controversy, and his music.

איך האב עם נישט גענימען צו זיין מיין מורה דרך, נאר צו זיין מיין זינגער

Translation - "I did not take him to be my spiritual leader, only to be my singer."

Whilst I love Lipa , and his music, and he really is a talented person. I can see the other side‘s argument It’s as if one of them is letting the side down . They are desperately trying to educate their children to keep a way of life ( retarded as it may be ) and here comes one of their own , and enlightens these “pure “ neshomelech . If only he wouldn’t dress up as one of them I see no problem.


Yeah. Interesting the rabbis at the Siyum Hashas enjoyed Helfgott and Stark - who are both famous for going before mixed crowds, cruises, etc - and Lipa is the villian!


Lipa "fell on his sword" last year and cancelled the concert rathert than to create a machlokes within klal yisroel about the shende of the rabbonim being duped into signing the letter. Several of those rabbonim have since admitted they were wrong. Lipa may may not be your musical preference but he is a real mensch and kol hakovod to him for providing tateful enertainment to yiddeshe families. I hope the dishonent zealots who sabatoged his concert last year will be simply crawl back into their holes and not create a chilul hashem this year by raising new problems.


lipa u rock the house baby I LOVE U nothing will stop me from loving when u sing.


what kind of so called "leaders" can be so easily duped? what kind of "gedolim" cooperate in the savaging of a fellow jew because of their egregious ineptitude and retarded world view?

we'd all be so much better off with more guys like Lipa and less looney tune rabbis who have the hubris to claim they represent a deity.


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