
Monday, January 19, 2009

Rachmestrivka Chasidus victim of Madoff scheme 

Rachmestrivka charity is also among victims of Madoff. In recent weeks, it is hard to trust people from the world of business, and this is mainly as a result of Bernard Madoff, a Jew from the United States aged 70 a rebel businessmen, who fooled organizations and companies.

Today we reveal that not only Israeli Yad Sarah and organizations such as universities hit, that even charity Rachmestrivka Jerusalem. Information indicates that a large ceremonial dinner was supposed to exist in the United States two weeks ago was canceled at the last moment because of the scandal.

It turns out that the Jewish millionaire, also caught the Hasidic Rachmestrivka institution. The dinner which the Chasidus was supposed to prepare in the United States with Madoff as the guest of honor was canceled. The Rachmestrivka Rebbe decided to cancel his trip to the United States due to the cancellation of the dinner. The Rebbe is currently staying in the city Tiberias.


This is the story, try not to laugh;
Of the biggest swindler in history, Bernie Madoff;
He'll gladly take your millions and invest it carefree;
In diamonds, planes, homes and furs for Ruthie;
He doesn't care if you're Conservative or Reform;
He loves all accounts equally, money makes his heart warm;
Even when it comes to Rabbis and Scholars;
He opens the door to their charity dollars;
But when the Rebbes learned all their fundraising was for naught;
And into Bernie's web their "chessed dollars" were caught;
To make more melave malkas, it just doesn't pay;
So into the hot springs of Tiverya, I think I'll stay!


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