Thursday, March 19, 2009
Hamodia apparently did not hear of the National Do Not Call Registry
In a flagrant disregard for legal policy and mentchlichkeit, Hamodia is exploiting the Heimishe oilem for their personal gain. The Hamodia Newspaper is making unsolicited phone calls to people's personal home phones to push their newspaper and magazine subscriptions on them. Hamodia is a business, if they want to sell subscriptions, let them do it legitimately, not by harassing people in their homes. What they are doing is completely wrong, let them know how you feel. Call the Hamodia at 718-853-9094 and tell them to stop bothering you.
Better yet, file a complaint with the "Do NOt Call Registry". They'll be fined $500 for every violation. Have a look:
I don't know the legal ramifications if you are or aren't allowed. However they can call and I have the option to ignore them or not to pick up at all. it has become common standard that phones are used as sales pitches especially in these electronic days. Keep up your good work
WHy are you just picking on Hamodia. I get an average of 3or 4 calls a week from Jewish business trying to solicit money....Today Binah magazine called
How about electronic phone messages from Bonei Olam, A Time, Zichron Shlomo, et al, calling to remind me about their chinese auction 52 times besides the reminder notices received by mail. What an annoyance!! Anyone know who RABIN is in New Jersey? Their phone number shows on the caller ID for OORAH and some others. GO AWAY!!
Anon 10:13---Thats what this post is all about. Binah is owned by Hamodia!! And anon 10:42-- A Non profit orginazation does not have to refer to the Do Not Call Registry. Only a business; hence the fuss about Hamodia.
Anybody knows how to take off your tel number from the jewish telemarketing? Every second day when I get home for supper I get a call from G&G dinners etc. What is their number? CAn I get off that list?
rabin is a calling service in Lakewood, that uses the lakewood phone list. I do not like getting electronic messages because if there's a person on the line I can tell him what I think of these unsolicited calls, if it's a machine I can't.I don't have caller ID and I find these calls very annoying, especially the ones in Yiddish, which I don't speak.
what about all the calls from all the stores that have sales, like Madamo and etc... Very annoying!!!
On motzei shabbos all the moisdos calling you about melave malkes and dinners, ugh
On motzei shabbos all the moisdos calling you about melave malkes and dinners, ugh
Haven't you people noticed that the Hamodia is getting thinner.
They are not doing so well, therfore they call for readership.
They are not doing so well, therfore they call for readership.
I used to read the Hamodia AND the Yated but they were so bad that I now just read the daily news and the nytimes. Did you see the Yated lately. "Obama is ruining America", "AIG are pigs". Yated is preachy. A newspaper is supposed to report fact, not opinion. If the yated wants to write opinions, they should write them in the opinion section.
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