
Sunday, May 24, 2009

Frum man plays on television game show 


Seems like a very likeable fellow.


I Promise!! ... that’s the only answer in know!! CAPCHA!! .... So crazy!! Kid is a real yuppie.. it shows though... kid hardly uses computers!!


“oh I never enter those letters” (CAPCHA) Dude; you can’t do much on a computer today without entering those letters!


wow! takes confidence! good for him!
yes, he does seem like a really likeable and nice guy!


he doesnt shake hands very comemndable


What is "television"???


He owes Aviv a sandwich and a coke.

And he better buy a computer with all that money.

Good kid. Best of luck.


There was also a frum couple on House Hunters International last night.


The term CAPTCHA, for Completely Automated Turing Test To Tell Computers and Humans Apart, was coined in 2000 by Luis von Ahn, Manuel Blum, Nicholas Hopper and John Langford of Carnegie Mellon University. At the time, they developed the first CAPTCHA to be used by Yahoo.

also not a chaptzem reader, because before you comment you must pass the Captcha test


My tatte was the first contestant to wear his kappel on television in 1972 on "Jeopardy"


did anyone else notice that at the end of third video when hes waving, hes wearing the sweatshirt he wore on the first two, not the jacket he wore on the third?


The waving sequence occurred at the end of day 1.
For continuity's sake, the person who edited it for YouTube put it at the end of day 2.
Very observant.
(If you want another sequence break, the "walk on" at the beginning of day 1 actually occurred at the beginning of day 2 (he began his stint on day 1 sitting in the chair after a commercial break) but was clipped to the beginning in the name of said continuity.)


I hope he has an easy time w. shidduchim


The show was taped on one day and he was told to bring 2 sets of clothing so that he could change and it would look like different days. If you notice his mother wore the same.
Joey is a "real" yeeke, a great example of Torah in Derech Eretz and yes, he does live in Washington Heights.


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