
Friday, May 15, 2009

Kalever Rebbe!? 

Sent in by a Chaptzem reader

Please let Google know that you are outraged at their misassociation of this image and the information beneath it. It is truly an embarrassment of a tzadik.

"It is truly an embarrassment of a tzadik"

It is an embarrasment that the Pope is being associated with the Kalever Rebbe, or that the Kalever Rebbe is being associated with the Pope?



Kalver Rebbe may be just looking for something to occupy his time with, he is still a yid.


This guy, he might even have the best intentions, is still a goy, and a galach to boot.


whom do we get in touch with?

Mr. Anonymous 105PM: I am insulted by your comment.

eli thumim


Sorry, but it is a Google ad, they don't claim the person on the picture is the rebbe. It's simple, the picture is from Israel so the software puts there an ad with the keyword "jewish", in this case the chesed site of Kalever chassidim. No conspiracy here.


At least he is wearing a yarmulka, which is more than I can say for half my modern orthodox friends in the business world.


are you kidding me!
read the line, its an advertisement for the Klever Rebbe and has no connection to the picture


It was a gzeira-shava. The kalever advert reads "experience holiness in new york", so the google chachomim made the association. Personally I think the Kalever rebbe (or his yotzer-meshorsim) are being quite silly, selling and promoting "holiness". I personally know some of his willy-b chasidim, and they don't seem to be having much shaychus with holiness. (don't get me wrong, they are not exactly the opposite either, but holiness, come on........). So if you don't hold to the maxim .......starts at home, this is where you end up.


The shame is that the Kalever Rebbe places ads on Google to promote his business. The internet is Assur, except when needed to promete the rebbe's business!


In the photo he is about to water the lawn. I know because he said "Let us spray". Hahahahahahaha


och in vei! when a rebbe needs to promote his "business" on google. maybe if he would'nt be so busy fixing the whole world, he would not have to advertise on google


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