
Thursday, June 11, 2009

Another organization exploiting Yiddishkeit for monetary gain 


Only gulibility aroused by induced ignorance could create an environemnt to separate these unfortunate victims from their money.
Chasidism/chareidism has indeed devolved into a cult.


this is just wild...no other word for it...


Please answer this:

The headline states that the form of protection it advertises was "guaranteed by Dovid Hamelech 3,000 year ago".

Aside from having written (ONLY PART - look it up) of the Tehillim, when did Dovid Hamelech ever make any remote guarantee that in anyway implies that the recitation of Tehillim ensures one's safety?




do you get your money back and some if you do get hurt?


better to be a live dog than a dead lion


Are they licensed by the New York State Insurance Department?



I have't had such a good laugh in a LONG time! Thanks!


The Baal Minchas Yitzchok is still signing onto documents ten years after his petira?! And together with a certain sefardishe Tzioni rabbi? Live long enough you'll see everything!


I guess the only way Yidden can manufacture their own money is to recreate everything in Yiddishkeit into a form of business. One needs to look around to see how we have managed to make everything Yiddishkeit has into money making ventures. Start with Mishloach Manos, whether the teaming up to send to doctors while charging considerably more. This is common among mosdos, and it is considered tzedokoh. Then there is Chai Rotel on Lag Baomer. Now we have organizations that will say Tehilim, Shir Hashirim, Nishmas, learn Mishnayos etc. at the Kosel or other mekomos hakedoshim, and for 40 days. Many of these segulos are fabricated, though I would not protest these things which are nice anyway (who can minimize Tehilim?) Meanwhile, there is money to shell out. This latest thing, which is not that new, is quite amusing.


Unlicensed insurance company? Unlicensed broker?

My, my. My, my, my.



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