Tuesday, June 02, 2009
Brad Lander visits with Munkatcher Rebbe
Leaders of the Boro Park Jewish community joined Baruch (Brad) Lander, candidate for City Council District 39, at a visit with Boro Park’s influential Grand Rabbi Moshe Yehuda Leib Rabinowitz of Munkatch. Rabbi Rabinowitz sits at the helm of schools and yeshivas located in the district.

Warning!!! Bernard Freilich in the room. This tells you something, think COJO Scandal. Why is he getting involved? Let him stick to cops and robbers and Minyonim on the NYS Thruway. Go away Bernie you an't even the shdow of Edgar Gluck.
Mr.Lander if you think the Munkatcher Rebbe will bring you votes you are mistaken ! Although the Munkatcher Rebbe is a influential Man but his congregation is very small ! Chaptzem has more readers then him
Well said 4:04 PM.
Has Yeshiva 50 years and lowest in #'s and quality.
How quickly people forget the Senate hearings in the 80's showing how $millions in Pell grants were... taken. Derech Hatorah, Vchaim Vsholom.
How easy it is to fool the outside world.
Has Yeshiva 50 years and lowest in #'s and quality.
How quickly people forget the Senate hearings in the 80's showing how $millions in Pell grants were... taken. Derech Hatorah, Vchaim Vsholom.
How easy it is to fool the outside world.
If Bernard Freilich is in the room then I will support Brad Lander. Rabbi Freilich is hated by the NY crooks and lowlifes because he goes after them and won't stop until they're put away!
The Rebbe Shlit"a was the best football players back in Telze.
He was a true sportsman Moshe Leib was really loved by his peers.
Past room mate
He was a true sportsman Moshe Leib was really loved by his peers.
Past room mate
I love reading the comments posted by all the Munkatch-bashers. It just cracks me up to read all the jealousy that they have of the Rebbe. Yes he was a great ball player and look what became of him... He could have gone on like so many of his former peers to become a businessman or could have ended up like so many Telzers in the 50's to live a life remotely associated with yiddishkeit and instead, he chose the path of Torah and became a respected manhig in klal yisroel who's daas torah is looked up upon. He is a Rebbe who devotes 90 percent of his day helping yidden and maybe 10 percent of his day to build his ''numbers''. The Munkatcher Rebbe's sucess is not measured by how many chasidim he has but by how much he does for klal yisroel and how much Torah he learns (he is known as the ''Talmid Chochom of the Rebbe's''). He is definately an "influential" person who's opinion is thought out with sechel hayashas and matters by thousands worldwide.
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