Monday, June 22, 2009

TELL-ALL: Former inmate Robert Feder's story of inmates' power and privileges -- lounging around a rabbi's office and getting officers kicked out -- is confirmed by jail officers.
Jail chaplain Rabbi Leib Glanz wielded such power that correction officers who crossed him or any of the favored Jewish inmates would get transferred from the Tombs at his behest, a former inmate and officers told The Post.
"If an inmate had a problem with an officer, that problem disappeared -- that officer wasn't there anymore," said ex-con Robert Feder, 50, who did a stint in the Tombs last summer. "This was standard procedure."
And the politically connected Glanz called the shots even when it came to which correction officers were posted near his office, where the rabbi allowed observant Jewish inmates to hang out unsupervised, Feder said.
"They didn't supervise us. We did what we wanted to do," Feder said. "The rabbi controlled the whole jail."
Several correction officers backed up Feder's account, which emerged after Glanz resigned for organizing a bar mitzvah in the lower-Manhattan jail for an inmate's son.
"He's had people transferred before -- just for telling him no. Because they were doing their job," said one officer who asked to not be identified.
A retired mid-level Tombs supervisor said: "We knew we couldn't fight Glanz. He did whatever he wanted."
The retiree said Glanz could get officers transferred to Rikers Island.
Glanz and other Correction brass are being investigated for the bar mitzvah and for the rabbi's coddling of Jewish inmates. Glanz's lawyer had no comment for this article. "I have never run into what I saw at the Tombs," Feder said about his decade in New York prisons and jails.
"These guys [inmates] lived like King Farouk," said Feder, who has done time for assault, attempted burglary and attempted forgery.
"Other guys were placing bets at racetracks and calling bookies" in Glanz's office, where inmates also enjoyed "TVs, DVDs, video . . . complete cable," Feder said. Glanz regularly treated the inmates to food "from fancy restaurants," Feder said. "I never ate so good in my life."
When he was transferred to an upstate prison, Feder said, Glanz "was very kind to call the rabbi [at that prison] to arrange transportation."
When he arrived at the prison, "there was the rabbi standing there, waiting for me," Feder said. "I felt like John Gotti."

this is the kind of inmate that wont be help the next time he goes to jail because the second a newspaper call's he's happy to tell all
One word: "kufy toiva". but as we know this will never stop the real yiden to help the other kind of yiden even when they are in jails and all they pay back is this... and also helping all kind of yiden in hospitals such as the satmere bikur choilim.
burich eloikiny shabruni lichvoidoi vhivdiluni min hatoiyim.
a gitn chiodesh.
The Golem
burich eloikiny shabruni lichvoidoi vhivdiluni min hatoiyim.
a gitn chiodesh.
The Golem
This story is incredible, I cant get over what a nice person glanz is. if yiden were involved in this scandal SHAME ON THEM!!!
Robert Feder, the burglar, acknowledges that he was treated very kindly by Rav Glanz.
Now this thief returns kindness with kindness: by bad-mouthing the Rabbi’s name to the Post.
Sometimes we should think twice before giving any help to a fellow Jew.
Now this thief returns kindness with kindness: by bad-mouthing the Rabbi’s name to the Post.
Sometimes we should think twice before giving any help to a fellow Jew.
Does anybody know why the NY Post is on top of this? I did not think that they were anti-semitic. It's hard to justify the headline and say it's not anti-semitic. Can someone please contact Rupert Murdoch and have him put a stop to this.
This NY Post thing is PAID BY the Public relation company of U.T.A. Satmar (reb zalman's side) to get even with Rabbi Glantz for being loyal to the other Satmar.
How is the Post being anit-semetic on this issue when they're the only ones loudly calling Bloombnerg to task on the Muslim imam chaplain? Seems to me they're being equal-opportunity publicity-seekers, like the tabloid they are...that's how a tabloid sells papers, folks.
Chilul Hashem? the more they dig into this story the more I see a kidush hashem by this guy rabbi glantz. of course their will always be those who cry chilul hashem even for fixing another yids tire or giving a hitch to a yid or buying only from a yid etc. but let me tell you i dont know rabbi glantz but from all "revealing" from the post i see a self-less yid a gite neshuma - as my mother would say and i wish him all the best.
Only a fool believes this convicted felon. G-D knows what else crimes he's commited that we don't know yet about. He's typicaly the kind of unhuman waste that needs to be burned before he strikes at more victims.
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