Tuesday, June 16, 2009
The Manhattan prison chaplain rabbi under fire for organizing a bar mitzvah in the Tombs also had a TV satellite truck come to the lockup so that a Jewish inmate could watch a relative's wedding on a live feed, The Post has learned.
"I was shocked," said a now-retired city Correction official who was at the Tombs when Rabbi Leib Glanz arranged the TV hookup for the prisoner years ago.
"It was so outrageous, along the lines of what just happened with the bar mitzvah."
That retired mid-level official -- whose account was confirmed by a higher-ranking Correction official -- said the Hasidic inmate and Glanz watched the wedding of the inmate's child in the Tombs' visiting area on a TV linked to a satellite truck parked in the jail's plaza.
Another Correction Department source said he heard the wedding was in Israel, and that there was a two-way feed so guests could also see the inmate.
"The rabbi had brought in wine and food and everything . . . and they sat in the visiting area for hours," the retired official said. "The rank-and-file [guards] were like, 'You gotta be s- - - -ing me.' "
That visiting area is the same place where a bar mitzvah for the son of fraudster Tuvia Stern -- who had spent nearly two decades as a fugitive -- was held at the behest of Glanz on Dec. 30.
Sixty non-inmate guests dined on catered food, using china and silverware brought from outside, and were allowed to keep their cellphones in violation of security policies.
Stern four months later hosted an engagement party for his daughter at the jail.
The politically connected Glanz has been suspended as a Correction chaplain for two weeks, and four top Correction officials have lost vacation time because of the scandal, which the city Department of Investigation is probing. A Correction spokesman declined to comment yesterday, citing that probe.
The retired Correction official said "it was the policy" at the Tombs to allow Jewish inmates to gather in Glanz's office unwatched by officers.
"They would be in his office doing whatever they wanted to do," he said.
A former Tombs prisoner has said inmates treated that office like "a private club," where they shot dice, used the rabbi's unmonitored phone to call sports bookies and criminal cohorts, and dined on food provided by Glanz.
The retired official said Glanz's coddling of Jewish inmates was "systematic."
"It's been going on for years, and everyone knows about it," the source said.
"I was shocked," said a now-retired city Correction official who was at the Tombs when Rabbi Leib Glanz arranged the TV hookup for the prisoner years ago.
"It was so outrageous, along the lines of what just happened with the bar mitzvah."
That retired mid-level official -- whose account was confirmed by a higher-ranking Correction official -- said the Hasidic inmate and Glanz watched the wedding of the inmate's child in the Tombs' visiting area on a TV linked to a satellite truck parked in the jail's plaza.
Another Correction Department source said he heard the wedding was in Israel, and that there was a two-way feed so guests could also see the inmate.
"The rabbi had brought in wine and food and everything . . . and they sat in the visiting area for hours," the retired official said. "The rank-and-file [guards] were like, 'You gotta be s- - - -ing me.' "
That visiting area is the same place where a bar mitzvah for the son of fraudster Tuvia Stern -- who had spent nearly two decades as a fugitive -- was held at the behest of Glanz on Dec. 30.
Sixty non-inmate guests dined on catered food, using china and silverware brought from outside, and were allowed to keep their cellphones in violation of security policies.
Stern four months later hosted an engagement party for his daughter at the jail.
The politically connected Glanz has been suspended as a Correction chaplain for two weeks, and four top Correction officials have lost vacation time because of the scandal, which the city Department of Investigation is probing. A Correction spokesman declined to comment yesterday, citing that probe.
The retired Correction official said "it was the policy" at the Tombs to allow Jewish inmates to gather in Glanz's office unwatched by officers.
"They would be in his office doing whatever they wanted to do," he said.
A former Tombs prisoner has said inmates treated that office like "a private club," where they shot dice, used the rabbi's unmonitored phone to call sports bookies and criminal cohorts, and dined on food provided by Glanz.
The retired official said Glanz's coddling of Jewish inmates was "systematic."
"It's been going on for years, and everyone knows about it," the source said.

Heimish fruimma yidden doing something they are not supposed to do? I can't believe it. It is simply not possible.
there's a deeper problem...by raising kids to feel that their way way of life is superior gives them the "license" to do anything they see fit, according to their warped mind.
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