
Friday, July 17, 2009

Camp remains open despite many violations 

In spite of warnings and health violations, a Hasidic girls' camp continues to operate at the former Homowack Lodge.

Even though the state Department of Health asked residents to evacuate the sprawling resort off Route 209 on Monday for safety reasons, more than 200 girls again slept overnight in buildings on the property.

DOH staff and Town of Mamakating officials met with the operators Thursday and reiterated "the necessity to evacuate the property as soon as possible," said DOH District Director Mark Knudsen, of the Monticello office.

The resort, now Machne Bnos Square, is owned by an Orthodox Jewish sect based in New Square in Rockland County.

"The operators are contacting parents of campers and expressed concern about sending children home if parents or guardians are not available," Knudsen said.

Knudsen said the camp has been directed to hire a third party to conduct 24-hour fire watches and act as an on-site fire marshal. They must also hire plumbing and electrical contractors, a building consultant to remove mold, and a certified wastewater treatment system operator to maintain the on-site sewage disposal treatment plant.

The owners had no permit from DOH or the town, prompting an investigation. Inspectors found leaking roofs, faulty electrical equipment, mold, plumbing problems and violations with the water and sewer. DOH gave the owners until July 13 to correct the problems before seeking a voluntary evacuation of camp residents.

County and town emergency personnel have called the buildings a fire trap. The fire alarm system was not operating fully or sending a signal to the 911 Center, and the sprinkler system does not work.

The owner faces fines ranging from $500 to $2,000 for each violation. The DOH Division of Legal Affairs is preparing orders to force the operator to close, Knudsen said.


The order to evacute will require the premises to be vacated by Labor Day.


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