Thursday, July 09, 2009
Convicted child molester Jerry Brauner arrested again
convicted child molester
Yechiel (Jerry) Brauner
Convicted child molester Jerry (Yechiel) Brauner has once again been arrested and has been charged this time with sexual abuse, harassment, forcible touching and menacing. Brauner, who is currently on probation from a previous conviction, has a long history of sexual abuse of minors. Also, due to political intervention, Brauner has a long history of getting off easy when he is charged and quickly returning to the streets and to his continued abuse of minors.
Link to court case
Click on WebCrims and search for Jerry Brauner
According to Dov Hikind, he was arrested for molesting a child in a synagogue. You think they will invite him to be Baal Tefilah again this Tisha B'Av?
Please let us know where he is Baal Tefillah so we can all converge on the place in honor of the saddest day.
What's so troubling is that everybody supposedly knew about this guy. He was on the sex offender registry and was a known pedophile. Despite all this and all of the Chaptzem warnings, he still managed to victimize more children. The synagogue where this happened was negligent in allowing this pervert in and allowing him to be around children. They should be sued, and the bakery where he works should put up a sign "BEWARE OF THE PERV".
he lives on the block of the skulena shul, the skulener rabbi thru him out from there years ago and banned him from entering his shul.
how is possible that this 400lb rhino is still roaming around b. p .shomer shabbas area fondling every little kid that crosses his path????just pathetic!!!
>>This article posted by Anonymous : July 09, 2009 4:48 PM>>
Only if they invite aron epstein to daven for the amud at telshe this year during yomim noraim in cleveland..
Only if they invite aron epstein to daven for the amud at telshe this year during yomim noraim in cleveland..
to Anonymous : July 09, 2009 4:48 PM...
the only way pepole like this stay off the street is when every pervert stays off the street. perverts of secuality, perverts of justice, perverst of money, people like the desllers family and aron pestein in cleveland, or morgenstern the pervert child mikveh molester in telshe.. if all the pervs are not run after then it won't matter if one of them only is.
the only way pepole like this stay off the street is when every pervert stays off the street. perverts of secuality, perverts of justice, perverst of money, people like the desllers family and aron pestein in cleveland, or morgenstern the pervert child mikveh molester in telshe.. if all the pervs are not run after then it won't matter if one of them only is.
To the Anonymous Poster of July 10th, 8:26AM --
I agree that it would be in the best interest of our children, of our entire community to have ALL of these child molesters incarcerated. However, your comment "if all the pervs are not run after then it won't matter if one of them only is." isn't logical. I honestly don't think it's possible to be rid of them all so we have to be relieved if even a single child molester is off the streets. Just one of these perverts has the ability to hurt so many children that I take it as a win if he's incarcerated. So while I hope, along with you, that we could be rid of them all, I'm encouraged each time I hear that another one has been identified and thrown in jail.
I agree that it would be in the best interest of our children, of our entire community to have ALL of these child molesters incarcerated. However, your comment "if all the pervs are not run after then it won't matter if one of them only is." isn't logical. I honestly don't think it's possible to be rid of them all so we have to be relieved if even a single child molester is off the streets. Just one of these perverts has the ability to hurt so many children that I take it as a win if he's incarcerated. So while I hope, along with you, that we could be rid of them all, I'm encouraged each time I hear that another one has been identified and thrown in jail.
Attn 10:45
You write so eloquently, "So while I hope, along with you, that we could be rid of them all, I'm encouraged each time I hear that another one has been identified and thrown in jail."
He's not "another one to have been identified", he's an old story, who has long been at this, is well known, and is still out there free to ply his trade. WHY????????
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You write so eloquently, "So while I hope, along with you, that we could be rid of them all, I'm encouraged each time I hear that another one has been identified and thrown in jail."
He's not "another one to have been identified", he's an old story, who has long been at this, is well known, and is still out there free to ply his trade. WHY????????