Monday, March 08, 2010
The Rabbinical Board of Flatbush Political Action Committee, which consists of 80 Rabbis, announced today their endorsement of Joe Lazar for City Council in the 44th Council District Special Election on March 23rd, 2010.
Serving 250,000 Jews (including 75,000 in Synagogue congregations), the Rabbinical Board of Flatbush, or Vaad Harabbonim, is one of the most influential Orthodox rabbinical boards in New York City, and is considered the largest local Orthodox rabbinic body in the world today. The Vaad’s rabbis serve as the spiritual leaders and teachers in synagogues, yeshivas, and Jewish institutions throughout the Greater Flatbush area.
“Joe Lazar is a man of great integrity and strength with a proven record of fighting for yeshivas, seniors and the vital services the Orthodox community depends upon. That’s why in these difficult economic times, The Rabbinical Board of Flatbush is confident that Joe Lazar is the right leader to represent our community in the City Council.” said Rabbi Herbert Bomzer, President of the Vaad and Chairman of the Political Action Committee of the Vaad Harabonim of Flatbush. “We are certain that Joe Lazar will follow in the noble path of those that preceded him as our council representative.”
“I am honored to receive the endorsement of The Vaad Harabbonim of Flatbush, one of our community’s most respected and important organizations,” said Joe Lazar. “This goal of this campaign has always been to unify our community and I am proud that The Vaad has joined us in this historic demonstration of Achdus [Hebrew for ‘unity’].”
Serving 250,000 Jews (including 75,000 in Synagogue congregations), the Rabbinical Board of Flatbush, or Vaad Harabbonim, is one of the most influential Orthodox rabbinical boards in New York City, and is considered the largest local Orthodox rabbinic body in the world today. The Vaad’s rabbis serve as the spiritual leaders and teachers in synagogues, yeshivas, and Jewish institutions throughout the Greater Flatbush area.
“Joe Lazar is a man of great integrity and strength with a proven record of fighting for yeshivas, seniors and the vital services the Orthodox community depends upon. That’s why in these difficult economic times, The Rabbinical Board of Flatbush is confident that Joe Lazar is the right leader to represent our community in the City Council.” said Rabbi Herbert Bomzer, President of the Vaad and Chairman of the Political Action Committee of the Vaad Harabonim of Flatbush. “We are certain that Joe Lazar will follow in the noble path of those that preceded him as our council representative.”
“I am honored to receive the endorsement of The Vaad Harabbonim of Flatbush, one of our community’s most respected and important organizations,” said Joe Lazar. “This goal of this campaign has always been to unify our community and I am proud that The Vaad has joined us in this historic demonstration of Achdus [Hebrew for ‘unity’].”

Gee, I didnt know we had 250,000 jewish people and 75,000 synagogue goers in Flatbush. GOSH, that makes Flatbush 4 times as large as Boro Park. Where did they get this RIDICULOUS information from? What did they do? count each person 4 times? What a lively imigination! What drugs are you on?
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