
Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Orthodox Jews face jail over integrated school 

A group of ultra-Orthodox Israeli parents of European origin are facing jail for refusing to obey a court ruling ordering them to let their daughters study with Jewish girls of Middle Eastern descent.

Israel's supreme court has given the parents until Thursday to send their kids back to school -- or face jail in a move likened by one Israeli newspaper to America's use of troops to enforce desegregation in the 1950s.

The case involves around 40 couples who belong to the strictly-observant Slonim Hassidic sect of Ashkenazi Jewry, whose roots are in eastern and central Europe.

The parents, who live in the West Bank settlement of Immanuel, are refusing to let their daughters study at the Beit Yaakov girls' school alongside girls of Sephardi origin, those who originate from North Africa or Asia.

When Israel's supreme court ruled in August 2009 that Sephardi girls must be allowed to attend the same classes as the Ashkenazis, parents of 74 children took them out and set up ad hoc lessons elsewhere in the settlement.

On Tuesday, the court gave the Ashkenazi parents until the end of Wednesday to submit written pledges to obey their ruling or spend at least two weeks in jail for contempt of court.

But the parents refused to comply and were on Wednesday packing their bags ahead of starting their jail term on Thursday.

Aliza Lagon, mother of two girls, told army radio she and her husband would both go to jail, leaving their daughters and two younger children in the care of a friend.

"I shall go with my head held high," she said. "For the education of my children, for the sanctification of the name (of God), for everything in which I believe, for my Judaism."

"I shall go of my own accord," Yitzhak Feinberg, a father of two pupils at the school, told the radio. "I think (supporters) will escort us there and there will be a demonstration."

Ultra-Orthodox supporters of the defiant families vowed to hold a mass demonstration in Jerusalem on Thursday and to accompany the errant parents to a local police station from where they would be taken to jail.

Deputy education minister Meir Porush, a member of the ultra-Orthodox Ashkenazi party United Torah Judaism (UTJ), is due to meet President Shimon Peres on Thursday to ask for a presidential pardon for the parents.

But presidential pardons can only be granted to those convicted of a crime, while the men and women of Immanuel are being punished by the court for contempt.

Tel Aviv freesheet Israel Hayom compared the situation in the Immanuel settlement to that in Little Rock, Arkansas "when President Dwight Eisenhower sent in the National Guard to enforce the court ruling banning apartheid against black-skinned people."

The Slonim parents say their objections are not racist but based on differences in religious observance between the Ashkenazi and Sephardi traditions.

Yakov Litzman, another MP from the United Torah Judaism party, agreed, telling army radio: "There is not a drop of racism here, I know the parents."

"There is a set of rules (in the ultra-Orthodox community). We don't want televisions in the home, there are rules of modesty, we are against the Internet," he said.

"I don't want my daughter to be educated with a girl who has a TV at home."

But their arguments carried little weight in the Israeli press.

"Open segregation tries, in practice, to cast an unjust and revolting act as a normal thing," the top-selling Yediot Aharonot daily said.

"The supreme court stood in the breach and forbade the attempt to normalise such a perverted phenomenon."


This article is a total lie. This has nothing to do with ashkenazim and sefardim. As a matter of fact out of the 43 couples going to jail, 14 of them are sefardim. Why do you print this garbage. I am very hurt. I am sefardy from emanuel and will be going to jail tomorrow with my wife. We will be going to bnei berak in the morning to join in an asifa with the gedolei hador, rav shteinman and rav vosner. You are like putting salt on a opened wound.


the situation could be caused by a lack of Tznius because Recently there has been an outbreak of "Frum" girls publicly walking the streets with their knees mostly or partially uncovered. I wish to protest this very recent phenomenon of such public breach in Tznius, something that was previously almost unheard of in the Frum neighborhoods. I can only hope this soon ends before tragedy strikes. If there is a lack of Tznius there is a lack of Schniah to protect us.


They should stay in Jail until they get some yiras shamaim and learn to love their fellow Jew.


Nothing will change Because, As a Charaidiy family member, we are all ready to fill up all the Jails in Israel !!! I will explain it with the following, it has come to a point that many Charaidim are being forced into difficult situations (by the state of Israel) so frequently that it has become a way of natural life, i.e. many Charaidim have occupied the prisons ( for no legit reason) on a steady basis until its not considered hash punishment any more.

All the Charaidim hear all the time is, threats from the State of Israel, it gets to a point that one gets immune to it . (like the story of crying Wolf)

Same with the Emmanual girl school parents, they know that the ONLY reason they are forced into Jail is because they are religious, so they are not concerned to fight it, expect that this is from g-d, in order to get rewarded by g-d in the world to come.

After all we don't live our lives for this materialistic world, but for Olam Habah (the world to come) in heaven, together with g-d.

The support the parents received from over 110,000.00 people proves that we are united as one big happy family, and nothing is going to change it.

BTW this a waste of millions of Shekel for the State of Israel, nothing will be gained by Jailing the parents any way.


the real scupe on this story:
The organizers and speakers at the rally repeatedly refuted the court’s claim of racism in the segregated Emmanuel school and among the Charedi populace at large.

Who can claim we discriminate against Sepharadim, when we study their great commentaries? demanded Rabbi Yosef Efrati.

The leaders of the rally also led the protesters in songs from the Sephardic liturgy tradition, though the vast majority of the attendants were Ashkenazi men, both Hassidic and Lithuanian. Sephardic supporters were sparse, but one of three Sephardi fathers in route to prison addressed the audience on behalf of the parents.

“I’m going to prison with my head held high,” “We will all do as our rabbis tell us, and only they will take care of the education of our children that we are leaving behind.”

“I’m here to protest the High Court of Justice’s disrespect toward the generation’s greatest rabbinical sages and leaders,”

What a great Kiddush Hashem that will pave the way towards Moshiach.



By now we are facing major threat that endanger Israel our country, Charedis should not be sentenced to jail for such case. It's such a non-sens, especially when the terrorists from the Marma flotillas have been freed despite the fact they have blood on their hand, and Charedim have done so much good for Israel.

It's a real shame, that the State of Israel has reached this low level.


Haredim are not looking to be part of the state any more. They are ready to say good bye, but the state is NOT allowing it to happen.

What do they need the state for?

Haredim already know that funding comes from g-d not from local politicians, Lets not deny, that what took place with the fathers mothers boys and girls babies, is exactly what happened to the Jews in Germany, nothing short of that. So why should they continue this way?

Best solution is that the Haredim should have their own cities to live in, so they may continue serving G-D as its meant to be by the Holy Torah, that the Haredim received on mount Sinai close to 3000 years ago.

Same time the State of Israel will be glad not to be busy with the Haredim because the state is not looking to be governed by the Torah laws that was given to the Jewish nation by G-D.

Bottom line it's a good solution for every body who lives in Eretz Yisrael.



עש”ק, ו’ תמוז תש”ע. לרגלי העלילה הנוראה מאת בית משפט חילוני על אחינו היקרים החרדים לדבר ה’ בעיר עמנואל בארה”ק, שהובלו לבית סוהר על שמוסרים את נפשם למען חינוך בנותיהם בדרך מסורת קדשנו, הננו מוחים בכל עוז על העול והפשע שנעשה להם, ועל הזדון המעוות לכפות עליהם אופי של חינוך נגד אורח חייהם ודעת רבותיהם. הדעה הכוזבת שמשפט חילוני יש לו תוקף למעלה מדעת התורה הנשמעת מפי נושאי דגלה, היא סילוף האמונה וחתירה תחת פינת היסוד שזאת התורה לא תהא מוחלפת, ורק היא הקובעת בחייו של היהודי, ואינה נתונה תחת שום שלטון ומשפט זולת חוקי התורה לבד.הננו משתתפים בכל לב בצערם של האסירים, יחד עם רבבות אלפי ישראל די בכל אתר ואתר. תחזקנה ידיהם ואשרי חלקם שנושאים על גבם כבוד שמים וכבוד ישראל סבא בעת כזאת. ויהי רצון שיתקדש שם שמים בימינו וימלא כבודו את כל הארץ. מועצת גדולי התורה בארה”ב


The state of Israel has become a Joke all around the world, because at most difficult times of the state of Israels history, heading towards war etc. we are busy throwing a few week Harady WOMEN in jail.

Who cares about them? ignore them, why are we giving them so much negative attention? they are anyway NOT going to change their attitude towards the state, ignore them and leave them alone. Stop publicizing every time these women sneeze.

Those women are stronger then we think, the have always been listening to the Harady giant Torah leaders, this has gone on for thousands of years, and Haradim have been in Jail, killed, tortured... but in the end Hareadim NEVER give in.

A good heading for this would be; "Emmanuel mothers are like eggs, the more you boil them the harder they become"


"Haredim are like eggs, the more you will boil them the harder they will become"

Time for the State to wake up and loosen up, it will save millions of Shekel of OUR tax money, OH YES we have become a big joke, all caused internal by the leaders and judges of the state of Israel.

Lets wake up and smell the coffee.


It seems that Judge Edmond Goldstone has lost his touch with reality. The majority of the Emmanual mothers he is sending to jail are of Sephardic descent. And they are going to jail for being discriminating against Sephardim. Do you understand the logic? I suggest the judge should quietly take leave from the High Court before being forced out.


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