
Monday, February 20, 2017

How much does the campaign against haredi soldiers cost? 

A series of pamphlets distributed in haredi population centers around New York was publicized in haredi news outlets on Monday, revealing the origin and scope of funding for the “hardak” shaming campaign against haredi soldiers in the IDF.

Supported by fringe elements within the haredi community, a small number of anti-Zionist radicals have targeted haredi soldiers, harassing them in public and vandalizing their homes.

The “hardak” campaign also works to incite the larger haredi community against soldiers, accusing them of collaborating with an alleged effort by the government to destroy the religious community.

According to the fundraising pamphlets, the cost of the bi-weekly handbook distributed to haredi households comes to $800 for each publication. A second handbook, geared towards the Mizrahi and Sephardi communities, is released once a month at a cost of $3,000 for each publication.

Lining the streets in haredi neighborhoods with posters – a commonly used form of advertising in the haredi community – costs $2,000 for every posting operation.

The fundraising pamphlet, produced by the Edah Haharedit extreme haredi organization, was distributed primarily in Satmar communities in the US, and is unrelated to efforts by the Yerushalmi Faction, a non-Hasidic group also opposed to the draft law.


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