
Sunday, August 20, 2017

Almost Third of British Jews Consider Leaving UK Amid Rising Anti-Semitism 

Every third British Jew has considered leaving the United Kingdom over the past two years due to growing anti-Semitic sentiment in the country, a poll conducted by the UK watchdog Campaign Against Antisemitism (CAA) revealed on Sunday.

"Our research shows that one in three British Jews has become so fearful of mounting anti-Semitic crime and the failure to excise anti-semites from politics that they have considered leaving Britain altogether. Our research clearly shows that British Jews have pointed their fingers at the Crown Prosecution Service (CPS) and the Labour Party," the CAA statement read.

The majority of the respondents, namely 76 percent, feel that the recent political developments in the United Kingdom have resulted in rising negative attitude toward Jewish people. Besides, many of those surveyed believe that the Labour Party had many anti-Semites in its ranks.
"52% of British Jews said that the CPS is not doing enough to fight anti-semitism, and only 39% of British Jews felt confident that anti-semitic hate crime would be prosecuted," the CCA added.

The watchdog urged the UK government to immediately implement its recommendations, which include adoption of a manifesto for fighting anti-semitism by political parties, as well as review of the law enforcement agencies’ response toward the anti-Semitic cases.

The CAA poll was conducted in 2016-2017. Around 2,000 Jewish people residing in the United Kingdom, were surveyed each year.

In July, the Community Security Trust (CST), a British Jewish charity, registered a total of 767 anti-Semitic hate crimes in the first six months of 2017, which is more than in any previous year.


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