
Monday, August 21, 2017

Jewish monument in Bulgaria’s Vidin defaced 

A monument erected in Bulgaria's Vidin by Israelis from the town has been defaced, daubed with the words "Allah", "Palestine", "Hamas" and the star and crescent moon symbol, the Shalom Organization of the Jews in Bulgaria said in a Facebook post on August 21.

The Thanksgiving Monument was put up in 2003 by Jews as an expression of gratitude to the Vidin community for acting to prevent the deportation of Bulgarian Jews from the town to the Nazi Holocaust death camps.

In 1943, the Bulgarian Orthodox Church, some politicians and many members of civil society stood up in successful opposition to Bulgarian Jews being sent out of the country to the mass-murder machine of the Holocaust in which more than six million Jews were killed by the Hitler regime.

Shalom quoted the mayor of Vidin municipality, Ognyan Tsenkov, as describing the August 19 2017 vandalism incident as "outrageous and unacceptable". Tsenkov took immediate action to have the monument cleaned.

In a letter to the mayor, the president of Shalom, Dr Alek Oscar, thanked him for his firm position, timely action and emphasised that the monument would continue to be "a symbol of fraternity and a long history between our two peoples".

In 2018, Bulgaria's Jewish community will mark the 75th anniversary of the prevention of the deportation of 50 000 Bulgarian Jews, and mourn the more than 11 000 Jews from territories under Bulgarian administration on behalf of Berlin in the Second World War. These Jews were deported from territories in parts of northern Greece and Yugoslavia, and the vast majority were murdered. They did not have Bulgarian citizenship because of the provisions of the anti-Semitic 1940 Defence of the Nation Act.

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