Wednesday, June 03, 2020
Jewish Group Offers Los Angeles Residents Immediate Interest-Free ‘Looting Loss Loans’
The Los Angeles-based Jewish Free Loan Association announced on Monday that it was offering interest-free loans of up to $18,000 to local residents who have suffered property damage from riots that have accompanied the nationwide unrest following the killing of George Floyd by police in Minneapolis last week.
"Looting loss loans available immediately," read the subject line of an email sent to subscribers, JTA reported. The email explained that the loans, available to all residents of Los Angeles and Ventura Counties, could pay for "debris cleanup, graffiti removal, construction needs, inventory replacement and more."
A number of synagogues and Jewish-owned businesses in the LA area have been looted or vandalized in recent days — mostly in the city's Fairfax district, which is home to a large Jewish community.
Those interested in loans are required to fill out a pre-loan application at Two guarantors are required.

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