Thursday, January 28, 2021
The rules are the rules and "there will be no privilege for any religion," warned Prime Minister François Legault, in the wake of police interventions carried out with the Hasidic Jewish community.
Last weekend, the SPVM had to intervene during illegal gatherings in synagogues, which resulted in the police receiving insults and even threats from some of the faithful.
Representatives of the Hasidic Jewish community later denounced the confusion sown by the latest adjustments to the rules governing places of worship. These now limit to 10, the maximum number of people who can gather there.
"What happened at the end of the week is that there are sly ends who said: well, there are three doors, then there are three rooms, so it's going to be thirty", railed Mr. Legault, at a press conference.
However, the limit of 10 worshipers applies to the entire building, he recalled. This is what public health had to clarify after the incidents.
"The law is the same for everyone, for all communities, for all religions," insisted Mr. Legault, emphasizing the common good.
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