
Monday, December 20, 2021

Flyers Blaming Jewish People for COVID Circulate in California, North Carolina Areas 

Dozens of flyers containing antisemitic conspiracy theories that the coronavirus pandemic was started by the Jewish community were scattered in areas of California and North Carolina over the weekend, according to police.

The flyers were distributed across Greensboro, North Carolina, as well as in Pasadena and Beverley Hills, California, late Saturday night and into Sunday morning.

Residents of the areas woke to find the antisemitic messages placed in plastic bags and weighed down with pebbles, as well as delivered with their morning newspapers. In each state, the perpetrators targeted both Jewish and non-Jewish homes.

Police in Pasadena and Beverly Hills are investigating after at least 200 of the flyers were scattered in their cities between roughly midnight and 4 a.m., TV station KTLA reported. The flyers began with the statement that "every single aspect of the COVID agenda is Jewish" and proceeded to list a number of antisemitic theories linked to the pandemic.

"The distribution of [antisemitic] fliers in Pasadena and other Southern California communities over the weekend is abhorrent and totally goes against the values of our city and its residents," Pasadena Mayor Victor Gordo said in a statement, according to KTLA.

"Our thoughts are with our residents and all those hurt by these disgusting acts. We know Pasadena residents—of all faiths—will to stand together and speak out against hatred in all forms," the mayor said.


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