Friday, July 07, 2023
Brandeis University apologizes for ad that offended Orthodox Jewish student group
The president of Brandeis University in Waltham has apologized to Orthodox Jewish students for a national advertising campaign celebrating its 75th anniversary that left them feeling offended.
The ad ran in The New York Times Magazine on June 25 and included the statement "Brandeis was founded by Jews. But, it's anything but Orthodox."
Though the university initially defended the advertising campaign, Ronald Liebowitz issued an apology to the Brandeis Orthodox Organization last week.
"I am especially sorry that members of Brandeis' Orthodox Jewish community, in particular, were hurt by the ad," Liebowitz wrote on June 30 in an e-mail to the students. "You play a key role in our ongoing success: You bring energy, intelligence, and creativity to our Jewish community, to student life more broadly, and to the rigor of the academic experience that Brandeis offers."

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