Wednesday, July 05, 2023
Jewish community launches seminar on how to teach about the Holocaust
Yvonne Lustgarten, a teacher at Galloway Ridge Intermediate in the South-Western City Schools district, didn't know her parents were Holocaust survivors until she was an adult.
"Those weren't the Oprah days or the Jerry Springer days when people aired out their dirty laundry," Lustgarten said of her parents, like so many other survivors, who chose to not talk about those traumatic experiences.
Dozens of teachers from school districts across central Ohio spent a day last month at Congregation Beth Tikvah in Worthington, a Jewish synagogue, where they received hands-on instruction so they could better educate the future generations of children about the Holocaust and the dangers of antisemitism.
During the workshop, Lustgarten, a sixth-grade language arts teacher, discovered a digital version of her mother's testimonial about her experiences during the Holocaust, which she had been searching for but had been unable to find.
"I've been teaching the Holocaust for over 30 years. Before the internet was a thing, I had to get my own resources,," said Lustgarten, 58, who attends Beth Tikvah. "For me, taking this workshop supplements even more to what I'm doing."

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