
Tuesday, September 03, 2024

NYC straphanger spews antisemitic rant at Jewish student 

A man berated a Jewish student wearing a yarmulke on a New York City subway car, calling him a "rapist" and a "genocider" responsible for the deaths in Gaza, new video shows.

The harrowing encounter, uploaded by the Combat Antisemitism Movement (CAM) group on Tuesday, shows the bearded man wearing a black cap and orange long-sleeve shirt yelling across the subway car at the student during a trip on the 1 train near 96th Street.

"He likes to kill Palestinian semites. He probably likes to rape Palestinian semites as well," the man, who has yet to be identified, shouts.

"This is a genocider who loves to kill babies."

The man continues to call the student a "Zionist," a "fake f–king Jew" and the "United States' bully boy," all while a crowd of uninterested commuters watch.

The man could also be heard trying to get the crowd on his side by claiming that the US and Israel want an upheaval in the Gaza Strip, but the commuters ignore him.


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