Tuesday, January 10, 2006
R' Bentzion takes action as boss
Teachers at B'nos Tzion of Bobov have what to celebrate about, at least somewhat. The teachers at Bobov girl's school had been owed back pay for eight months. That however has now changed. Ever since R' Bentzion took over the girl's school many things have changed. All the teachers were immediately paid the eight months that they were owed and were told that from now on things would be different. All the teachers were also warned that they were hired to teach and not to get involved in politics. The teachers were told in no uncertain terms that if any of their personal political beliefs were to be expressed, they would be fired immediately. Wow, now talk about communism
Teachers at B'nos Tzion of Bobov have what to celebrate about, at least somewhat. The teachers at Bobov girl's school had been owed back pay for eight months. That however has now changed. Ever since R' Bentzion took over the girl's school many things have changed. All the teachers were immediately paid the eight months that they were owed and were told that from now on things would be different. All the teachers were also warned that they were hired to teach and not to get involved in politics. The teachers were told in no uncertain terms that if any of their personal political beliefs were to be expressed, they would be fired immediately. Wow, now talk about communism
I am not a chosid but i am happy to see r'ben zion make all the right moves may the real bobover rebbe please take a bow
ha ha ha!!! bentzi, play around all you want now because its only a matter of time before beis din returns the school to its rightful owners (bentz i know you are reading this)
this new rebisteve is a collection of many "lo yitzlachs "
of Bobov Just go thru the list, you'll see what i mean
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of Bobov Just go thru the list, you'll see what i mean