
Wednesday, April 05, 2006

More exclusive Chaptzem! pictures of the Boro-Park riot

HA HA HA HA you call this baby stuff a RIOT????
rechov Yirmiyahu and Eli about three months ago, now THAT was a riot. Not this garbage that looks like the annual lag baomer bonfire
The yerushalmis should teach the americans how to pull off a real hafganah


did anyone think to burn their chametz during all the confusion?


hey CHAPTZEM, lets have a contest putting captions to these pictures.


The FDNY should have turned the fire hoses on them like in the 1950's. This poor excuse for a riot was pathetic. Go jump in the red sea


boro park is such a disgrace to your race.


someone call the dept of sanitation to clean up this place-what a freakin mess


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