Thursday, December 14, 2006
Exclusive interview with a Gerer Yingerman about Rabbi Leizerowitz
Read our previously posted exclusive interview with a Gerer Yingerman about the allegations against Rabbi Leizerowitz.
Read our previously posted exclusive interview with a Gerer Yingerman about the allegations against Rabbi Leizerowitz.

Why is this Yingerman denying the story ? was he there when it happened, of course he wasn't,it was not done in public for everybody to see, he was taken into the office and molested there..
Tell the Yingerman to get it into his head that it happened and that is why he ran off to Israel and left..There are stories like this in every Yeshiva and in Ger too..why don't they accuse Rabbi E.B. or Rabbi D.O. of Ger for molesting Bucherim and boys, because they are not pervs and if they accused this Mashgiach then it is true.It is time for all the Yeshivas to get rid of these guys once and for all, there are plenty of jobs out there for them other then being in Yeshivas, they can pack boxes for B&H or Adorama or Focus, get them away from boys, if they want there are plenty of guys that they can hook up with and have a good time with, but not forcing themselves onto Yeshiva boys..
Tell the Yingerman to get it into his head that it happened and that is why he ran off to Israel and left..There are stories like this in every Yeshiva and in Ger too..why don't they accuse Rabbi E.B. or Rabbi D.O. of Ger for molesting Bucherim and boys, because they are not pervs and if they accused this Mashgiach then it is true.It is time for all the Yeshivas to get rid of these guys once and for all, there are plenty of jobs out there for them other then being in Yeshivas, they can pack boxes for B&H or Adorama or Focus, get them away from boys, if they want there are plenty of guys that they can hook up with and have a good time with, but not forcing themselves onto Yeshiva boys..
To the commenter above
I, like the yingerman interviewed still believes in Lezrowit's innocence.
I have learned in the Mesivtah and know Rabbi L for many years.
I find it EXTREMELY hard to believe that what is alleged really happened.
I'm not saying it didn't, but I still cannot believe it.
If you are familiar with this specific case, you must admit that the there is a huge problem with the accuser(s).
There are two sides to every story. I know you tend to believe the rumors. The fact that our gedolim are not addressing the issue the way they perhaps should, does not mean that EVERY allegation out there is TRUE.
In this case (where it's Leizrowits VS a very problematic family) I clearly stand on Leizrowit's side.
I, like the yingerman interviewed still believes in Lezrowit's innocence.
I have learned in the Mesivtah and know Rabbi L for many years.
I find it EXTREMELY hard to believe that what is alleged really happened.
I'm not saying it didn't, but I still cannot believe it.
If you are familiar with this specific case, you must admit that the there is a huge problem with the accuser(s).
There are two sides to every story. I know you tend to believe the rumors. The fact that our gedolim are not addressing the issue the way they perhaps should, does not mean that EVERY allegation out there is TRUE.
In this case (where it's Leizrowits VS a very problematic family) I clearly stand on Leizrowit's side.
how can tuo say such a thing on Rabbi L; I know the story this boy mother is devorst becouse see is a bitch true and she likes to make such story up she olso claimed in Israel on her priv houband the same
L is guilty. People who are attacking the boy and his family like the last anon. are saying rechilus and worse, and they probably don't even know who he is, they're just trying to show off. What does it matter anyway if it is a good boy, good family, or something else? A Jewish boy is a Jewish boy. Is it permisible for boys from problem families to be molested? You should know also they are represented by the frum lawyer Elliot Pasik who is with the Eric Green law firm.
L is guilty.
Your OPINION is not a FACT.
People who are attacking the boy and his family like the last anon. are saying rechilus and worse,
They might be saying Loshon Horah and Rechilos BUT SO ARE YOU
and they probably don't even know who he is, they're just trying to show off.
He is not to blame. He is a victim of his sick family. I know both, L and the Family et al and I smell a rat.
What does it matter anyway if it is a good boy, good family, or something else? A Jewish boy is a Jewish boy. Is it permisible for boys from problem families to be molested?
NOBODY deserves to be molested. The fact that the complaint is coming from a problematic family IS A PROBLEM. Face it.
You should know also they are represented by the frum lawyer Elliot Pasik who is with the Eric Green law firm.
Just because they are represented by a lawyer (even a frum lawyer) means absolutely ZERO.
Before you pass judgment, why not wait for a trial?
Your OPINION is not a FACT.
People who are attacking the boy and his family like the last anon. are saying rechilus and worse,
They might be saying Loshon Horah and Rechilos BUT SO ARE YOU
and they probably don't even know who he is, they're just trying to show off.
He is not to blame. He is a victim of his sick family. I know both, L and the Family et al and I smell a rat.
What does it matter anyway if it is a good boy, good family, or something else? A Jewish boy is a Jewish boy. Is it permisible for boys from problem families to be molested?
NOBODY deserves to be molested. The fact that the complaint is coming from a problematic family IS A PROBLEM. Face it.
You should know also they are represented by the frum lawyer Elliot Pasik who is with the Eric Green law firm.
Just because they are represented by a lawyer (even a frum lawyer) means absolutely ZERO.
Before you pass judgment, why not wait for a trial?
"why don't they accuse Rabbi E.B. or Rabbi D.O. of Ger for molesting Bucherim and boys, because they are not pervs and if they accused this Mashgiach then it is true
Ah, so you know who DO and EB are?
Are you aware that the grandparent and uncle of this poor child have been accused (on this blog) about child abuse?
Does that mean that it's true?
Well, according to your ridiculous statement "if they accused this Mashgiach then it is true It would be, wouldn’t it?.
Since you clearly know who they are (if you know DO and EB) I'm sure you're aware that these accusation are false accusations even though some anon loser accused them.
That’s why we all believe in INNOCENT UNTIL PROVEN GUILTY.
Ah, so you know who DO and EB are?
Are you aware that the grandparent and uncle of this poor child have been accused (on this blog) about child abuse?
Does that mean that it's true?
Well, according to your ridiculous statement "if they accused this Mashgiach then it is true It would be, wouldn’t it?.
Since you clearly know who they are (if you know DO and EB) I'm sure you're aware that these accusation are false accusations even though some anon loser accused them.
That’s why we all believe in INNOCENT UNTIL PROVEN GUILTY.
Yes, I know who DO AND EB are and they are the shpigele of Ger and if all Menahalim and Mashgichim and Rebbis around the world would be like them then there would be no molesters in the Yeshivas.
I do not care who else molested this boy if it was also his uncle and grandparent then it makes my case stronger then this boy must be a sweet cute boy that gets molested alot and was definitly molested by Leizerowits, if he is accused of molesting him the he molested him..
Again i say if DO OR EB or anybody else was not accused, and he was accused then he did it..I know what a sweet cute boy can go thru in his life and the molesters in the Yeshivas are all over them like Vultures, and if somebody is accused then it is true, These boys do not make up stories..
Yes, I know who DO AND EB are and they are the shpigele of Ger and if all Menahalim and Mashgichim and Rebbis around the world would be like them then there would be no molesters in the Yeshivas.
I do not care who else molested this boy if it was also his uncle and grandparent then it makes my case stronger then this boy must be a sweet cute boy that gets molested alot and was definitly molested by Leizerowits, if he is accused of molesting him the he molested him..
Again i say if DO OR EB or anybody else was not accused, and he was accused then he did it..I know what a sweet cute boy can go thru in his life and the molesters in the Yeshivas are all over them like Vultures, and if somebody is accused then it is true, These boys do not make up stories..
Yes, I know who DO AND EB are and they are the shpigele of Ger and if all Menahalim and Mashgichim and Rebbis around the world would be like them then there would be no molesters in the Yeshivas.
Not exactly the "shpigele" of Ger, but OK.
I do not care who else molested this boy if it was also his uncle and grandparent then it makes my case stronger
You did not understand me. They were accused of child abuse, nothing to do with this specific kid.
then this boy must be a sweet cute boy that gets molested alot
You are a sick pervert (your blog just proves it). And for your information, this particular child is (and was)far from being cute.
and was definitly molested by Leizerowits, if he is accused of molesting him the he molested him..
Once again, if accusing means he did it, than would you say the child's grandparent and uncle are also child abusers??
Do you know them?
Are you crazy?
These boys do not make up stories..
He didn’t complain, HIS MOTHER MADE UP THE STORY!!!! (just like she made up stories against her ex)
Not exactly the "shpigele" of Ger, but OK.
I do not care who else molested this boy if it was also his uncle and grandparent then it makes my case stronger
You did not understand me. They were accused of child abuse, nothing to do with this specific kid.
then this boy must be a sweet cute boy that gets molested alot
You are a sick pervert (your blog just proves it). And for your information, this particular child is (and was)far from being cute.
and was definitly molested by Leizerowits, if he is accused of molesting him the he molested him..
Once again, if accusing means he did it, than would you say the child's grandparent and uncle are also child abusers??
Do you know them?
Are you crazy?
These boys do not make up stories..
He didn’t complain, HIS MOTHER MADE UP THE STORY!!!! (just like she made up stories against her ex)
Molesters do not choose victims based on cuteness. They choose based on vulnerability and lack of strong adult protection in the childs life and a lack of stability in a child's life. It is not uncommon for the same child to be molested by more than one person r"l. It is the kid from the dysfunctional family who has a molesting step father who so needs an adult in thier life that the molester zeros in on life a bee to honey.
As for the people here attacking the boy and his family, i don't know the boy or his family and they probably do already have a 'problem' background. However, you are obviously not mizerah avraham avinu if you can be so cruel in your comments. I wish upon a Kolko on your children one day so you'll know how it feels.
As for the people here attacking the boy and his family, i don't know the boy or his family and they probably do already have a 'problem' background. However, you are obviously not mizerah avraham avinu if you can be so cruel in your comments. I wish upon a Kolko on your children one day so you'll know how it feels.
First of all it is not whom everybody thinks it is that is suing Ger. Suffice to say it is a very nice family that is doing this, and it will more than raise an eyebrow if and when it becomes known.
Second, all u have to do is call officers of the school or the current Beis Din of Ger here in the US and if they feel u can keep a secret they will confide in u that Leizerowitz was as guilty as hell.
Third, r any of u naysayers aware that out of town nonGerrer boys in that yeshiva came forward over 15 years ago to report said acusations to members of the Ger vaad?
Fourth, Do what someone I know did so long ago. He approached 3 victims and although they were unaware of eachother being victims, the story they told was nearly identical. From when his breathing quickened to what position he held them. Nebech, I shudder just recalling this.
Second, all u have to do is call officers of the school or the current Beis Din of Ger here in the US and if they feel u can keep a secret they will confide in u that Leizerowitz was as guilty as hell.
Third, r any of u naysayers aware that out of town nonGerrer boys in that yeshiva came forward over 15 years ago to report said acusations to members of the Ger vaad?
Fourth, Do what someone I know did so long ago. He approached 3 victims and although they were unaware of eachother being victims, the story they told was nearly identical. From when his breathing quickened to what position he held them. Nebech, I shudder just recalling this.
You guys are getting involved in issues that have no room for your long noses. From experience (I work with abused children) most children that are abused will not mention a thing to any one until they are MUCH older. My question is how did this mother find out and why is she publicizing it? EVERY mother that has a child that was molested keeps the whole incident hush hush- even if there is money involved. I am not accusing Rabbi L and I am not justifying him (if he did anything). The mother is what I want to know about. "The lady doth protest too much, me thinks"(Hamlet)
Psychologist assumes the parents wanted publicity. I heard different. Case was filed under John Doe, there was no press conference, and no press releases. No TV, no radio. This got into the NY Post because some newspapers read the court filings, and the Post caught this case. No other paper did. It wasn't written about anyplace else. But when the Post got it, it moved to the blogs.
are you a psychologist? do you know enough to make that generalization? I did not go into details about the psych of parents of molested kids. I just think that this whole story is getting more fraudulated by the moment. Rabbi L may have done something and he may have not- but why is the story changing so much? I dont know- what ever, as I said none of us should get involved so I am staying out of this business.
Psychologist #1 is an imposter.
A real psychologist would know there is no such word as "fraudulated".
A real psychologist would not write "why is the story changing so much?" The case just got filed. There hasn't been one word of testimony.
A real psychologist would not write, after posting two comments containing a lot of lies, "none of us should get involved so I am staying out of this business".
Yidden, don't you know that sheker is a sin? If you have nothing emesdik to say, and without it being loshon hora, don't say it at all! The ends don't justify the means!
A real psychologist would know there is no such word as "fraudulated".
A real psychologist would not write "why is the story changing so much?" The case just got filed. There hasn't been one word of testimony.
A real psychologist would not write, after posting two comments containing a lot of lies, "none of us should get involved so I am staying out of this business".
Yidden, don't you know that sheker is a sin? If you have nothing emesdik to say, and without it being loshon hora, don't say it at all! The ends don't justify the means!
Rumor has it that the case is going criminal any day now. Off we ship him to Brazil. Lots of pretty prepubescent boys scantily dressed there. He'll have a field day! Mondrowitz wants to know if he can go along. He's Ger too after all.
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