Monday, August 20, 2007
Heimishe pervert bocher changes garb
The heimishe pervert bocher that had previously accosted a yingerman and a child among others, has changed his garb from a frumpy short jacket and hat to a long suit jacket and long payes. Why he has decided to put on this new Chasidishe look is unknown, but be aware he is still just as dangerous.
The heimishe pervert bocher that had previously accosted a yingerman and a child among others, has changed his garb from a frumpy short jacket and hat to a long suit jacket and long payes. Why he has decided to put on this new Chasidishe look is unknown, but be aware he is still just as dangerous.
Thank you for bringing this to light, I saw him last week in Wal-Mart when I was shopping with my wife and kids I was on high alert ,he really frightens me when I see him around children
HEEEEEEY!!! THATS CHANOYCH!! I've seen him look like this. It's not the first time he has the chassidishe look. pervert.
you gota watch out from him he is from the holy land his father is a big holy man he was allways this way dress some 1 is taken care of him these days treat him good you will be safe around him
this boy is mentally sick, he wears what he steals in shul... evreyday something else, i had him once eating by me for shabbas, i guess i wont invite hgim anymore
what are you guys crazy or what ?! this is pure motzi shem ra. he had difficult childhood, went to russia for a couple of years, then to usa - he is 100% normal, he just rebelled against certain events in his family, he was normal teen who rebelled somewhat, and calmed down. he has never ever stolen anything, he is not capable of stealing, and never did anything wrong what they blame him in - his name should be cleared up, the rumors are false and not justified. he always knew what they blamed him in, and he played along - he is absolutely normal, i wish to see the one who started the rumors.
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