Tuesday, August 05, 2008
CHAPTZEM EXCLUSIVE - Your questions and comments addressed by one of the ten Frum NYPD Officers
I am one of the "Ten Frum Police Officers" that are currently in the NYPD Academy class. I will not disclose the names of my fellow Yiddin, as that would be a breach of privacy, though I am open to both questions and comments concerning this topic.
Kol Tov,
Eliezer S. Zinstein
Please post your questions and comments here.
Kol Tov,
Eliezer S. Zinstein
Please post your questions and comments here.

What are the requirements for becoming a police officer? I took the test yesterday at 2 Lafayette St and got a 83.56 whats the next step?
What are the requirements for becoming a police officer? I took the test yesterday at 2 Lafayette St and got a 83.56 whats the next step?
when did you decided to become a police? was it purim 1982? is it because you wanna have shaft? are you really proud of yourself? are your parents proud of you? how will you react to your child when he will inform you that he joined the army etc.
Yours: The Golam
Yours: The Golam
What in the world made you decide to want to become a police officer? there arent enough jobs around? personally, I dont feel that a heimishe yiddishe person such as yourself (and especially yiddishe women) belong in the police force. It's not aidel and it's not tznius both for the men and women.
But, to each their own.
But, to each their own.
why would someone want to be a cop with the pay u get, and i think its against the torah to put your life in danger, but guess u just want to be someone and thats the best u can do
Well I will start with this question: What made you decide to become a police officer? Parnasa? Chesed? Loyal to your country? Im sure there is some good reason which many of us (heimishe yidden) dont think or know about this (major) step.
How frum are the women? Are they the type to cover their hair after marriage? Are they regular bais yaakov girls?
is it true that the primary reason people become police officers, is because they feel they will get more respect/power? it certainly isn't for the pay. many 'small' (not in physical size) people feel the need to be authoritative...that's too bad.
Which part of being a police officer attracts you to the job? Is is the authority? The gun? Or, the cherry lights?
Why would you endanger your life for
bubkes (Penny's) I believe that the starting salary is under 30000$
Good Luck and be safe.
bubkes (Penny's) I believe that the starting salary is under 30000$
Good Luck and be safe.
Hi I am interested in joining the NYPD myself, and as a frum jew, I was wondering how you would feel about having to arrest a fellow yid, if you had to do this on a minor breach of the law for instance.
Hatzlacha Rabbah!I applaud what your doing and can't wait for the oppertunity to do the same M'H."
Hatzlacha Rabbah!I applaud what your doing and can't wait for the oppertunity to do the same M'H."
Why would you post this? What questions and comments can you with your "vast experience" of policework or life can you possibly address!?! Keep a low profile, your mouth shut and ears open. Posting things like this only brings unwanted attention not only to you, but to others who wish to keep their privacy intact. You are certainly not the first by a long shot and doing moronic things will only make it harder for those after you.
That said, best of luck. Say very little. Mainly, just watch, listen and learn. Don't be a macher or hocker,(or whatever the current term is) you will only bring trouble not only on you, but those around you.
That said, best of luck. Say very little. Mainly, just watch, listen and learn. Don't be a macher or hocker,(or whatever the current term is) you will only bring trouble not only on you, but those around you.
What does Frum mean? Frum is a broad term chassidish, litvish, lubabich, modern orthodox etc. who are these people? And are there any haimeshe chssidishe/yeshivishe olem?
Truly, most of you posters are infantile, sounding just like you were still in high school in Lakewood.
First and foremost, good luck, and thank you for for protecting us, serving our community, and quite frankly doing a job that many of us would not want to do. Second of all, to all you frumy nay sayers posting comments, or shall we say critisisms, lets adress the various issues which you have brought up. 1)why did you choose NYPD over Shomrim? uh last time I checked, you get paid for being a cop. 2) Golam, your name could not have described you better, what do you care whether or not he or his parents are proud of what he is doing, are you their family therapist. 3)"What in the world made you decide to want to become a police officer? there arent enough jobs around? personally, I dont feel that a heimishe yiddishe person such as yourself (and especially yiddishe women) belong in the police force. It's not aidel and it's not tznius both for the men and women." Now this is a loaded question, so lets adress it one part at a time. First of all, some us are actually straight individuals who want to earn their money in an erlich way. Therefore, taking a job in the police force, a job although with a minimal starting salary, albeit with great benifits, and a great retirement plan, makes perfect sense. Second of all, last time I checked, most non-jewish women in any work force wear pants, so whats the difference were you work. 3) To the individual that yaped on and on about people joining the police force to feel powerful and important, last time I checked, thats why people also critisize others, so practice what you preach.
Again, good luck, and to all you classic frum nosey bodies out there, MIND YOUR OWN BUSINESS !!!
Again, good luck, and to all you classic frum nosey bodies out there, MIND YOUR OWN BUSINESS !!!
first of all why is the first thing saying bad about this person you should say that its good finally we will have a normal cop that will do something not let them go over some stupit reason, or mabey he wants to help the community. all this that you are saying bad will push off moshiach
One more (stupid) question: Will you feel cool to show up late by an emergency call, and then let the crowd know that you actually arrived by yelling "Get back"?
Will you double park for a cup of coffe, and give me a ticket at the same time?
On a more serious note, I wish you well, and stay out of harms way.
Kol mi she'oskim betsorchei tsibbur b'emunah....
Will you double park for a cup of coffe, and give me a ticket at the same time?
On a more serious note, I wish you well, and stay out of harms way.
Kol mi she'oskim betsorchei tsibbur b'emunah....
while i never comment on this blog When I saw elis post, I had to comment
1) for all of you who think its about the respect, every one who knows Rabbi eli zinstien will tell you thats not what he is about
2)as for why didnt he join Shomrim?...while the are a great thing, shomrim is a patrol they still need the NYPD to function prop. and as a officer of the NYPD eli can do wonderful thingd (i still say to work the south bronx)
3) to all you frum cadets....KEEP UP THE GREAT WORK AND i'LL SEE YOU AT GRADUATION !!!!!!!!!
ELI WE LOVE YOU BRO (say hi to "my" daughter)
1) for all of you who think its about the respect, every one who knows Rabbi eli zinstien will tell you thats not what he is about
2)as for why didnt he join Shomrim?...while the are a great thing, shomrim is a patrol they still need the NYPD to function prop. and as a officer of the NYPD eli can do wonderful thingd (i still say to work the south bronx)
3) to all you frum cadets....KEEP UP THE GREAT WORK AND i'LL SEE YOU AT GRADUATION !!!!!!!!!
ELI WE LOVE YOU BRO (say hi to "my" daughter)
Very courageous of you guys for becoming a officer despite being against the norm.
Good luck and Hatzluche.
Good luck and Hatzluche.
I am hearink det Yoely Witriol ken yell "Shygetz Aross" when he wants a krowd to disperse! Dis is true det de NYPD do so much to akomodate us hymishers?
I am hearink det Yoely Witriol ken yell "Shygetz Aross" when he wants a krowd to disperse! Dis is true det de NYPD do so much to akomodate us hymishers?
congratulations on serving your country, state, city and community!
it's nice to see some of us reciprocating and GIVING instead of always taking and expecting things.... often for FREE
you have my vote and blessings!
it's nice to see some of us reciprocating and GIVING instead of always taking and expecting things.... often for FREE
you have my vote and blessings!
Why do people get so worked up about this. Is this violating the Torah? Just because you all are so closed minded and can't comprehend deviating from the norm doesn't make being a frum cop wrong. On average less than 1 cop gets killed per year in NY. 1 in 40,000 isn't considered putting your life in danger. If you don't have any intelligent reasons to back up your strong feelings just shut up!
wo i read these comments and questions and im baffled.
i can tell from the coments made that some of them are written by close minded curropted and loosers...
this is such a great oppertunity to see a feelings of a group of jewish police and all you want to do is poke fun and push down a group of jews who have a dream
i find it very intresting and i can bet you that the negitive coments here are by the same people who when they see a crime happand and no matter what the police do its not enough and "they suck" they dont care"
g-d take a chill relax
do you really have a problem with a fellow yid having an honest job?
i think its incredible what this group is doing, its utting the money where your mouth is when it comes to showing the police we support them and there job.
and by the way
Frum: means some one who keeps shabbos, keeps kosher... and the laws of taharas mishpacha.
so yes these boys and girls are all frum....
i can tell from the coments made that some of them are written by close minded curropted and loosers...
this is such a great oppertunity to see a feelings of a group of jewish police and all you want to do is poke fun and push down a group of jews who have a dream
i find it very intresting and i can bet you that the negitive coments here are by the same people who when they see a crime happand and no matter what the police do its not enough and "they suck" they dont care"
g-d take a chill relax
do you really have a problem with a fellow yid having an honest job?
i think its incredible what this group is doing, its utting the money where your mouth is when it comes to showing the police we support them and there job.
and by the way
Frum: means some one who keeps shabbos, keeps kosher... and the laws of taharas mishpacha.
so yes these boys and girls are all frum....
Chaptzem!! I think this guy is a fraud, there is already 25 questions and not a single answer... who does he think he is? a little rutzer going to Police acadamy, wow, what an accomplishment... maybe he should get on the radio with a program "ask the frum police eiliezer" i mean when you have nothing to say, why tell people to ask?
yours: The Golem
yours: The Golem
I thank everyone who has posted replies thus far.
I should preface myself by stating that with my current lack of experience in the force, I could never answer any questions about the job, and would not either way. In no way do I represent the job, or anyone on it. I am solely going to answer personal questions not directly relating to the job itself.
I joined the job for myself, my city and my community.
Concerning the halacha, there truly is no issue. Nowhere in Choshen Mishpat are we told not to join a police force.
As for the money, I will grant that the starting salary is not great, but it is a long term investment, that B"H will pay out in the end.
Of course, above all, we must be don l'kav z'chus -especially in chodesh Menachem Av- and remember that people make decisions for many reasons, some that are not open to the public. This applies not only to myself, but to others as well. Before we go accusing our fellow Yiddin of violating halacha chas v'shalom, we must remember that we (myself included) do not know the full circumstances of anyone's decisions.
Again, I am thankful to those who have posted, especially those who have wished me well.
Kol Tov.
I should preface myself by stating that with my current lack of experience in the force, I could never answer any questions about the job, and would not either way. In no way do I represent the job, or anyone on it. I am solely going to answer personal questions not directly relating to the job itself.
I joined the job for myself, my city and my community.
Concerning the halacha, there truly is no issue. Nowhere in Choshen Mishpat are we told not to join a police force.
As for the money, I will grant that the starting salary is not great, but it is a long term investment, that B"H will pay out in the end.
Of course, above all, we must be don l'kav z'chus -especially in chodesh Menachem Av- and remember that people make decisions for many reasons, some that are not open to the public. This applies not only to myself, but to others as well. Before we go accusing our fellow Yiddin of violating halacha chas v'shalom, we must remember that we (myself included) do not know the full circumstances of anyone's decisions.
Again, I am thankful to those who have posted, especially those who have wished me well.
Kol Tov.
at least he has an honest job. at least he has a job. at least he makes an effort to get a job. at least he has an income. at least he has some respect. at least he isn't sitting. at least he is independent. it goes on and on
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