Sunday, August 17, 2008
New York Post writes article on story the Chaptzem Blog broke to the public over two weeks ago.

The NYPD is adding 10 Orthodox Jews, including one woman, to their ranks. That's the largest Orthodox contingent ever in the department's latest cadet class.
When Ari Husarsky told his parents he wanted to be a cop, they were all verklempt.
"My mom flipped," the 24-year-old recalled as he stood outside the Police Academy on East 20th Street near Gramercy Park.
When the shock wore off and he had promised he would still keep kosher on meal breaks and, yes, in doughnut shops, his parents gave him their blessing.
"My mother was also against it for the obvious reasons," added Brighton Beach resident Max Silva, 28, a former caterer at Meisner's in Brooklyn. He said they thought it was just too dangerous.
"It was just one of those childhood dreams I never grew out of. Everybody was against it because nobody thinks of Jewish people as police officers," he said.
"I always wanted to be a cop, but my wife, Sharona, was against it," Silva added. "But I convinced her. It took her two years. She thinks it's a dangerous job. I was sick of my other job because there was no room to grow. I wanted a future."
The Police Department has welcomed the new recruits, who are excused from working after dusk on Fridays and on Saturdays and Jewish holidays.
"This class is going to be the ice breaker," cadet Shmuel Tenenbaum said proudly. "The next class is going to have 30 or 40."

The NYPD is adding 10 Orthodox Jews, including one woman, to their ranks. That's the largest Orthodox contingent ever in the department's latest cadet class.
When Ari Husarsky told his parents he wanted to be a cop, they were all verklempt.
"My mom flipped," the 24-year-old recalled as he stood outside the Police Academy on East 20th Street near Gramercy Park.
When the shock wore off and he had promised he would still keep kosher on meal breaks and, yes, in doughnut shops, his parents gave him their blessing.
"My mother was also against it for the obvious reasons," added Brighton Beach resident Max Silva, 28, a former caterer at Meisner's in Brooklyn. He said they thought it was just too dangerous.
"It was just one of those childhood dreams I never grew out of. Everybody was against it because nobody thinks of Jewish people as police officers," he said.
"I always wanted to be a cop, but my wife, Sharona, was against it," Silva added. "But I convinced her. It took her two years. She thinks it's a dangerous job. I was sick of my other job because there was no room to grow. I wanted a future."
The Police Department has welcomed the new recruits, who are excused from working after dusk on Fridays and on Saturdays and Jewish holidays.
"This class is going to be the ice breaker," cadet Shmuel Tenenbaum said proudly. "The next class is going to have 30 or 40."

kalman is a young Yoily...but his beard does not grow yet..happens to be he is a very good hearted kid....
There's nothing wrong with working 20 years and retiring on half pay for the rest of your life. The vast majority of cops not only do not get shot, they don't fire their guns the whole time they are on the force.
It's not as dangerous as it is made out to be (though it is not a cake walk, either).
You start on the force, and you start your countdown. 19 years and 364 days to go.
Nothing wrong with that.
It's not as dangerous as it is made out to be (though it is not a cake walk, either).
You start on the force, and you start your countdown. 19 years and 364 days to go.
Nothing wrong with that.
"One of the young men already talks about eating treif hamburgers soon because the pay is so low."
No, I think you misunderstood. He was complaining that it's harder for someone who eats kosher to afford to eat when the pay for a new cop is so little. He was comparing the price of the McD's burger to a kosher burger (l'havdil?).
No, I think you misunderstood. He was complaining that it's harder for someone who eats kosher to afford to eat when the pay for a new cop is so little. He was comparing the price of the McD's burger to a kosher burger (l'havdil?).
What a great kiddush hashem!! Do a good job and bring nachas to the one above.
Comment Credit ---This article posted by Anonymous ohevyisroel : August 17, 2008 10:54 PM
Kiddush hashem? I believe hashem is sitting up in the high havens full of joy to see this young lady in pants and short sleevs. what a nachas to see...
Comment Credit ---This article posted by Anonymous ohevyisroel : August 17, 2008 10:54 PM
Kiddush hashem? I believe hashem is sitting up in the high havens full of joy to see this young lady in pants and short sleevs. what a nachas to see...
Do all of the police,firemen ems,soldiers, and other emergency personal in Israel take time off for the Sabbath also ? Or do they work all the time also?
to anon 2:10,on the previous post it said she got a heter from her rav to wear pants because its not considered not tznius.
How dare these people get a job!! They should be learning full time or be at home cooking for the family.
She is tznius! Take your chasidishe made up "halachos" and shove it! I'm sure Hashem is just as happy looking down at able-bodied people who don't work and are supported on "yenems" dime. Good for them! Best wishes!
as a frum auxilary police offier all i can say is "KOL HAKAVOD" if you live in a safe society you have to be willing to defend it. If I was 20yrs younger and single i would probably be the 11th class member
To anon 8:36 any Rov who is matir pants for a lady is an am ha'aretz!
He should have told her to find another profession,he blew it!
Just because the pants are made exclusively for women only helps for the beged ish problem not for the pritzus one.
He should have told her to find another profession,he blew it!
Just because the pants are made exclusively for women only helps for the beged ish problem not for the pritzus one.
She is tznius! Take your chasidishe made up "halachos" and shove it! I'm sure Hashem is just as happy looking down at able-bodied people who don't work and are supported on "yenems" dime. Good for them! Best wishes!
Comment Credit ---This article posted by Anonymous : August 18, 2008 4:52 PM
last time i checked the Shulchan Aruch is not a chassidise publication, and I dont recall any litvish rebitzin wearing pants, maybe I have to recheck since you stated that not wearing pants is a chassidish minhag. And there are plenty of ways to make a living without wearing pants, actually some of my non jewish coworkers almost never wear pants, they say skirts are more profesional. so take your anti chassidish comments and shove it up yours!
Comment Credit ---This article posted by Anonymous : August 18, 2008 4:52 PM
last time i checked the Shulchan Aruch is not a chassidise publication, and I dont recall any litvish rebitzin wearing pants, maybe I have to recheck since you stated that not wearing pants is a chassidish minhag. And there are plenty of ways to make a living without wearing pants, actually some of my non jewish coworkers almost never wear pants, they say skirts are more profesional. so take your anti chassidish comments and shove it up yours!
To anon 8:36 any Rov who is matir pants for a lady is an am ha'aretz!
He should have told her to find another profession,he blew it!
Just because the pants are made exclusively for women only helps for the beged ish problem not for the pritzus one.
August 19, 2008 12:17 AM
You Tembel!
what is "pritzus" to you , is not "pritzus" to evryone. Remember that other people have other opinions and that your not the center of the flipping universe. Kol Hakovod to them for serving the community!!
He should have told her to find another profession,he blew it!
Just because the pants are made exclusively for women only helps for the beged ish problem not for the pritzus one.
August 19, 2008 12:17 AM
You Tembel!
what is "pritzus" to you , is not "pritzus" to evryone. Remember that other people have other opinions and that your not the center of the flipping universe. Kol Hakovod to them for serving the community!!
A bunch of bums! they probably werent spanked enough i think they should all be IBER GELEIGT and given a few good makkos!
To all who have a problem with pants, please post issur where found in shulchan aruch. Poskim hold that if they are not body hugging, they are mutter and probably even more so then today's dresses.
Also, when you guys need a cop or doctor, please request that only men attend to your needs.
Also, when you guys need a cop or doctor, please request that only men attend to your needs.
Cna't wait for her to do a car stop and the others to issue the first ticket to a heimeshe.
Just wait and see.
Just wait and see.
A bunch of bums! they probably werent spanked enough i think they should all be IBER GELEIGT and given a few good makkos!
August 19, 2008 9:38 PM
what is hitting the only thing that you know? take your fetish somwhere else please
August 19, 2008 9:38 PM
what is hitting the only thing that you know? take your fetish somwhere else please
I know one of these 'officers'. He was always a troubled kid, flunked out of school, was a rebel. This is his continued way of rebelling against his parents..and he is married with more than one kid.
Also, women's jeans, tank tops, etc are ALOS manufactured exclusively for women..and that does NOT make them tznius. This is a girl who will never get married to a frum guy, b/c no frum guy in his right mind would marry an 'akeres habayis' who has no hasaga of how a frum girl must conduct herself. Her poor parents, I feel bad for them.
Also, women's jeans, tank tops, etc are ALOS manufactured exclusively for women..and that does NOT make them tznius. This is a girl who will never get married to a frum guy, b/c no frum guy in his right mind would marry an 'akeres habayis' who has no hasaga of how a frum girl must conduct herself. Her poor parents, I feel bad for them.
kol hakavod to them!
Jews are not all chasidim/yeshivish.
This is a kiddush hashem for us!
I have family that are frum and in the auxil. police in Bklyn protecting us with no pay.
Look at how closed minded we have become that we are picking on short sleeves and pants.
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Jews are not all chasidim/yeshivish.
This is a kiddush hashem for us!
I have family that are frum and in the auxil. police in Bklyn protecting us with no pay.
Look at how closed minded we have become that we are picking on short sleeves and pants.